12 August 2013

EtekChopper: Using the Sevcon Gen4 Motor Controller

The Sevcon Gen4 is both a truly great and reliable controller and a royal pain of finicky finickage. But it can do this: 

On one hand, it's well built, infinitely customizable, has lots of safety features, and is truly a 21st century controller that's years ahead of Kelly Controls in terms of features. I'm really not worried about dropping it a couple feet, the thing is built solid. It has internal pre-charge monitoring, and when you give it logic power it precharges automatically until it's ready to activate main battery power, and then trips a contactor relay, and then has internal economization for keeping that relay held efficiently. 
Getting down to the nitty-gritty, I can change EVERYTHING. Perceived motor inductance, max stator current, max RPM, PID gains on speed or torque controllers for both drive and regen braking. I can have 10 of them on a CAN network and drive them each individually. I can use a single throttle to drive two separate motors for two-wheel independent torque-vector drive. Or I can put one on my motorcycle and make it go VROOM VROOM (Okay, more like whirrrrrrr). 

But on the other hand, if you mess up any of the hundreds of variables, it will have many faults on it and won't work until they are dealt with. Once they are dealt with, there's still a strong possibility it will just dump current into the motor but not do anything. Or it'll dump current into a different motor lead and spin uncontrollably, threaten to fly off the clamps that are holding it down, at the slightest touch of the throttle, leading me to have to disconnect the main power. Not sure if that's awesome or scary. But I've gotten it right. I got my motor spinning properly and controllably. This is my journey, documented as best I can for reference to the EV community, because many are ready tame the Sevcon, and this may just help them get a handle of it. Because it's supposed to be more a reference to other than to me, I will be rehashing some of the stuff I've written in previous posts into this one. 

Let's begin our journey, then!

First things first is selecting the proper Sevcon Gen4 for you. I didn't have much choice, seeing as I was just gifted the $925.00 Sevcon Gen 4 Size 4, the 80 volt 350 Amp peak version. (I know this because it has a 355 Amp fuse on it, and the manual states the 350A peak version needs it on page 33. And the general brochure states the 350A version is meant ofr a 80 Volt system.)

As for picking a good motor for you controller setup, I guess it's a matter of the max motor current and voltage, and continuous current. My Brushless Etek motor can deal with 300+ Amps peak, 150 Amps continuous, at 5000 RPM (probably a bearing rating, and I can probably push it quite bit harder if necessary). As I recently found out (will detail this in a later post), my special snowflake special edition Etek motor has a Kv of 60 RPM/Volt. Nominally, this means 3.3 Volts per series cell * 24 cells in series * 60 RPM/Volt = 4752 RPM. So it's almost perfect for this controller. 

Now to figure out the wiring. Above is my setup. Note that my motor is clamped down to the table in multiple spaces, so it doesn't go flying across the room from the 50-some NewtonMeters of torque, dragging the controller and batteries with it. 

For a good reference, look at the diagram on page 56 and the table on page 35 of the manual.  The Sevcon Gen4 needs the following to function bare-minimum: 

  • A Brushless Motor of some sort, with its main U, V, and W terminals tied to M1, M2, and M3 on the controller. 
    • Use thick gauge wire for this to prevent melting. I used 2AWG. 
  • A big line contactor with the coil (switch) leads plugged into pins 2 and 3 and the contactor leads between the battery + and the + side of the controller. 
  • A Battery whose voltage range lies within the voltage range of your controller. Tie the battery ground to B- and the battery high voltage to one end of the contactor. 
    • I have a 79.2V nominal battery pack on an 80V nominal controller. 
    • Again, use thick wire for these connections. I used 2AWG. 
  • Logic Power Switch at Battery Voltage into pin 1, 6, or 10. 
    • This is the main "On" switch for the controller, and allows internal capacitor precharging to occur.
  • Throttle, with the high side plugged into pin 34, the wiper plugged into pin 22, and the ground tied to battery ground. (I find it very annoying that there are no battery ground lines anywhere in the 35-pin connector)
    • I use a 0-5k potentiometer Magura twist throttle from EV Drives
  • An encoder of some sort. I use Hall Sensors that uses pins 5, 15, 17, 26, and 29. 
  • Enable switches: Foot Switch (FS1), Forward, and Seat Switch are the bare minimum needed to enable drive, and I had them tied to pins 18, 30, and 31. 
    • You can configure these to be at any of the reserved digital switch pins. 
    • They are considered "On" when tied to battery ground. 
  • CAN bus leads for programming, with CAN high tied to pin 13, CAN low tied to pin 24, and pin 2 (CAN Termination) tied to pin 24 if this is only controller in your set, which it is for me.
    • May also need a separate wire to system ground.  
Yeah, that's a lot to deal with, and there's more involved in the setup to get regen braking or other features enabled, but you'll soon see why every bit of it is necessary. 

In order to start connecting things to the 35-pin header, we need the proper individual female connectors and the large 35-pin housing. I ordered these female connectors and this AMPSeal housing from Digikey. Something ended up being incorrect, however, because when I tried to insert the connectors into the AMPSeal housing and then insert the entire housing into the socket on the controller, there was no connection made between the female and male connectors. 

And so I ended up just putting extra electrical insulation on the female connectors and plugging them directly into the controller. I'll deal with how I'll properly isolate these from each other and the elements later. 

After plugging the logic power into the connector and switching 72V into the logic power input, THE LED TURNED ON! LOOKIT! IT'S ALIVE! I tried plugging everything else in (Contactor, hall sensors, throttle. No CAN or enable switches yet) to see if it would trigger the contactor.

Then it blinked 11 times, clearly a fault of some sort. Page 110 of the manual specifies it's an encoder fault, which could result from the encoders not being attached to the controller correctly. 

Now, here's my issue. I don't know which of the bajillion of internal configurable variables are set, and at what values they set to. Odds are, either an incremental optical encoder or a sin/cos encoder (or a combination) is set to be the default for the controller to look for, and those require different pins, hence the thrown fault. 

The only way to see what's going on in the software is to purchase a USB to CAN converter. However, according to this forum thread, and this one, not any old USB to CAN converter for under $90.00 will do. The Sevcon Gen4 requires a specific $300.00 adapter made by IXXAT which has the required proprietary software libraries for the Sevcon to be happy. 

According to this Sevcon program setup document, the amount of configuration power gained by getting this thing is well worth the $300.00, so I called IXXAT directly (They're closeby in New Hampshire) and purchased one, and I got a small academic discount for doing this project through a student club (MITERS). Carla, their sales representative, was a great help and was able to send me one quckly. 

And here it is. Even came with a free pen! 

Okay. One side is a USB plug, the other is a D9 connector, which goes to the controller.

The manual it came with specifies these 3 wires from the male D9 connector. 

I found a female D9 connector lying around the shop, and soldered 3 leads to it at the appropriate pins. I also soldered a jumper from CAN Low to CAN Termination, necessary for the last device of a CAN bus. 

Here is the default screen of the Sevcon DVT Software. To acquire the software, I called technical support at Sevcon, and a specialist named Joseph was kind enough to send me access to the software, as well as offer some tips for getting the controller working. I would later contact him again to acquire an updated firmware for the controller and a parameter configuration file for the ME0907 motor. 

I later found out you can acquire the software by following the instructions on this forum post, but I believe the software is older and possibly outdated. And after calling up Sevcon they can send you a special download link for free, so there's no reason not to just call them up and get the latest software. 

So, once you got the software running, just follow these DVT instructions. You can see there's an area to change the baud rate for the CAN communication. 

After I set it to the proper baud rate, IT CAME TO LIFE! GREEN LIGHTS!

The controller started speaking, too!

By pressing the "H" Helper button at the top of the screen, I am able to modify controller parameters that pertain to function. The first thing to do is set the controller to Preoperational mode. That will turn off the contactor (if it isn't off already) and enable you to modify the internal settings. I first set up motor parameters based on the ME0907 datasheet, but there were so many parameters that I just left some as they were. 

By looking at the datasheet for the Kilovac EV200 contactor I am able to set the contactor pull and hold voltages. 

I set my throttle ranges using the specified instructions. 

And I am able to test them in the Status tab, and I can see the current perceived throttle voltage as I move the throttle. Cool! 

In addition, I went to the Input/Output tab (Where switch inputs like Forward and the Foot Switch and throttle configurations are determined) and ensured that the first selection was Left Wheel Drive (Joe from Sevcon let me know that is required for drive, in addition to a Forward, FS1, and Seat switch). 

So after doing ALL THAT and going operational, the following faults come up -_-. I played with some settings, and I'm not quite sure what exactly I did, frankly, but I got it to the following uncontrollable state: 

What's happening here is hardcore integrator windup in the controller's torque control system. I can modifythe P and I gains, but I really don't want to mess with them too much because I don't understand the internal transfer function of the controller. I'd rather just call up my friendly neighborhood Sevcon tech support specialist and see what he suggests. 

Joe, the technician who had originally sent me the DVT software was able to send me an updated firmware for the controller as well as a .DCF configuration file for the ME0907 motor. With this config file, I don't have to go about modifying every parameter, but I can load this default one (which includes proper P and I torque control gains) and modify smaller parameters as needed. Remember, while my motor is a little more powerful than the ME0907, it's roughly equivalent, and this will serve as a proper starting point. I'll tweak max current and other settings as needed, as well as later add regenerative braking. 

After flashing the updated firmware and sending the new .DCF file, the following awesomeness ensued: 

Sure, the motor is spinning in the opposite direction it should be, but that's only a matter of playing the sensor game. I have to either shift the sensor leads

And there you have it! In a nutshell, to use the Sevcon Gen 4, you must: 
  1. Have a Sevcon Gen 4, a brushless motor, a contactor, logic wire (18AWG), power wire (2AWG for 350A peak), and a power supply/battery pack
  2. RTFM
  3. Buy the right pin connectors
  4. Buy/rent an IXXAT USB to CAN Compact
  5. RTF other M
  6. Call Sevcon for the DVT software and motor configuration file
  7. Do some finagling, and win!


  1. Hi there
    Great article, loads of information.
    Any chance of a copy of your dcf to compare with mine?
    It would be useful to compare motor parameters too see any differences.
    Your welcome to a copy of mine also.



    1. No problem, I am going to upload my .DCF file soon as I have a chance to extract it from the Gen4, which is currently embedded in my motorcycle.(I have the stock ME0907 .DCF, but I tweaked it for my particular motor and setup.) I'll update this post once I get it off my Gen4.

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  2. OK, I give up. Why is the controller wrapped in foil tape?

  3. Great document Daniel! Thank you very much!

  4. Hello to everyone
    I own soon for a Sevcon Gen4 in 180A
    and a hub motor 3kw 72volts 900RPM
    I'd like to know if someone know how and where to find a function that allows for a self caracterization?
    this command will permit to have the characteristics of any engine!
    Any idea?
    thank you

  5. Hi, could you send me the .DCF file I have a ME0907 sevcon gen4 system which is showing the same problem(11blinks, encoder problem). My email ID is gayamrahul@gmail.com


  6. Hi, could you send me the update file (dld) and config file (dcf) sevcon was sending to you too?
    I have some Problems with my controller and I hope this could fix it.

    1. I need this files can you send me please?? victorbonilla78@hotmail.com

  7. Called Sevcon, they directed me to the vendor to obtain their software. Bummer. They're charging $900 for the software/adapter combo.

  8. contact someone else at sevcon USA, i just bought the adapter for 350$ from them (in february)

  9. Hello
    Needed: new firmware and. DCF file
    my mail lukyanovys.007 @ gmail.com

  10. Hello.
    I need DVT software. Can you send me that?
    Sevcon didn't response me

  11. Hi, can someone send me a sample DCF file? No matter to what motor.
    Also, can i have the link to the DVT software plz?
    I didn't receive any reply from sevcon.

    1. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69716067/Sevcon%20gen4/sevcon.rar

    2. THANK YOU!!! this could mean the difference between walking and driving for me!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I finally got the IXXAT usb2can compact.
    Its working!
    I did a fimware upgrade, and play with it for a while.
    Now i have the dreaded 5044 error dyn range param error and 4f41 internal error...

    Anyone here solved this? I saw daniel did.

    Please send me some dld and dcf files so i can try
    To: shanylazar@gmail.com

    1. solved it buy receiving a new DCF file from my motor manufacturer... my 6kw scooter is the fastest in israel as of now 140kph on a sevcon gen4... thanks for all the help. couldn't do that without you guys..

  14. what is the latest DVTsoftware version? Is any body have that?

  15. Hi,

    Nice to see someone have success to connect Sevcon and motor! I have question if someone could help, I have Tyco EV200 and Allbright SW180 contactor 72V, with Tyco I have economizer on, I didnt figure why did you remove economizer, if it is because Sevcon send battery voltage to contactor coil then I can use Allbright instead Tyco?? If someone could help me I would priciate!!!

  16. Good afternoon. Tell me where you can download the program Sevcon DVT Software ?
    E-mail - pazzls.jizn__gmail.com

  17. Found! THANK YOU!
    Please delete my message. Thank you!

  18. Error? http://vfl.ru/fotos/878e426c6614630.html


  19. I would like to purchase or rent the Sevcon 35-pin AMPSeal connector and program for the Gen4 350A #634A83203

  20. hi,
    thanks for your article.
    We was set a sevcon gen4 size 6 motor controller and driving a motor. We are connecting the controller with ixxat usb to can. We are receiving some CAN ID's but they are not meaningful. Are there a list to mean the CAN ID's?

  21. Hi very nice article!
    I also have a Gen4 80V 350A with an me1012! Every time I wanted to switch from preop to op mode I get the same errors as you! Can you maybe send me the new firmware and also the dcf? I would be so lucky if you can help me maybe!


    Ty allready!!!

  22. Good day, I am happy to find your article! I have to launch the motor with Sevcon Gen4 80V 350A, and have these problems:
    I cant to make the line contactor to work? that is why I just put the gag though it.
    But I have two errors:5044 error dyn range param error and 4f41 internal error. I read that it is solved by receiving a new DCF file from my motor manufacturer. May you send me your version Sevcon DVT Software, and DVT config file please. My email is i.satskyi@gmail.com

  23. Good day, I am happy to find your article! I have to launch the motor with Sevcon Gen4 80V 350A, and have these problems:
    I cant to make the line contactor to work? that is why I just put the gag though it.
    But I have two errors:5044 error dyn range param error and 4f41 internal error. I read that it is solved by receiving a new DCF file from my motor manufacturer. May you send me your version Sevcon DVT Software, and DVT config file please. My email is i.satskyi@gmail.com

  24. I am working on the ME0907 motor, and have issues to drive it.
    Could you send me the DCF file and the DVT software if it is OK.
    Very appreciate that.
    My Email: Jeff@praesidium.net.au

  25. Hi great article!!
    I have been searching who can I modify my parameters but I can´t find any support.
    I have some Problems with my controller Sevcon Gen4 with the same motor.
    Could you send me the update file (dld) and config file (dcf)?
    I would be very lucky.
    Email: timal.eduardo@gmail.com
    Thanks so much

  26. Anyone have the me1012 and the Sevcon 80/350 that could please help?

  27. I am just wondering if you have the battery +ve connected to the wrong side of the fuse. From the looks of the manual it should connect to the other side, otherwise you are bypassing it.

  28. I need DVT software.Send me.

    1. can u send me the dvt softw.? thundergarage@gmail.com?

  29. Hi,
    great walkthrough! I would've lost faith in that SEVCON (Gen4 size2) Controller (or me) if it was'nt for this article ;). I have the exact same behavior of the motor that you showed in the first Video. Spinning up like crazy and than the SEVCON goes into "DSP Overvoltage" Error (LED blinks 3 times).

    Can you provide the DCF file (the dropbox link does not work anymore) you used for your ME0907 motor? I'm using a Goldenmotor HPM48-5000 though.

    Do you still have that firmware update? I think I might need it too to get this thing operational.

  30. Looking for DVT Software and DCF for ME-0913 or similar motor if anyone thinks they have something.

  31. Hi
    Very interesting
    I have same IXXAT but no suc6 with DVT
    Please reply to : Demeth@zeelandnet.nl

  32. Hi,
    Very interesting article, liked it very much! I'm having problems in configurating the Sevcon Gen4 inverter. The only thing I need is the .eds file from the inverter. If anyone has it, could you please reply to the following e-mail: brunomt@id.uff.br

  33. hello folk.
    i have a qs motor and sevcon gen 4 size 4 , and i am madly in need of dvt to programm it, as sevcon is not willing to help. ineed help please. i have an ixxat can but have no idea nor clue to programm the inverter,.kindly help for the saKE OF OUR GREEN PLANET: HELP PLEASE ;;;; DETAILS OF ERQUIPMENTS:::
    QS MOTOR (8KW) (8000w9)
    sevcon gen 4 size 4
    ixxat usb to can with. please help me to finish this project ,. i have an examms in november

  34. Looking for DVT Software, please send me an Link to andy-meyer@gmx.net. Thanks!

  35. Looking for the DVT software.
    please upload to : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EL-68UiJastT2Sb7CQZu4ufkp1XFn3WJ

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Can anyone send me the DVT software plz??
    Sevcon won't do it for me, and on other sites I can't download it :(
    plz help me, already really thanks!!!
    If you can, you are great! and plz send it to tommy.twee@gmail.com

    1. BTW, I have the IXXAT USB-to-CAN V1.6 1.01.0087.10200 and a number of the Sevcon gen4 size 4

  38. Great article. I have Gen4 size 4 80V part 634a83310 (HAL only). I need latest firmware UK0319A44 or UK0319B38 and I need DVT software. I have IXXAT PCMCI adapter and DCF for my motor. Please someone, send to alberte047@gmail.com Thanks!

  39. can you send the DCF to peterthomasbrush@gmail.com

  40. Anyone used the Gen4 with an Emrax 188 on 48v in speed mode to drive a hydraulic pump? Having difficulty with making sense of the torque/ current settings?

  41. hello, i,m looking for DVT software version 24.816 , i have ixxat dongle V1.6 and cant find any old DVT software for download, maybe some one can help me?? email:vjkomix@gmail.com

  42. Hi, I have a ME0907 Sevcon gen4 system, could you send me please the update file (dld) and config file (dcf) sevcon was sending to you too?
    email: tataralex16@gmail.com
    Thank you!

  43. Hi, i have met a problem about Sevcon gen4. My motor after configuration can just rotate in forward direction. How can i do to make it rotate in both direction?

  44. Looking for DLD file to support Induction AC motor.

    1. i need the same files .dld and .dcf can you send me please?.. victorbonilla78@hotmail.com

  45. Hello,
    best help, many thanks. Can You send me also the dld and dcf file please? After big feight against controller and ixxat V2 i can communicate now and want test my ev project with this controller. If anyone want use V2 controller you must get a license code from sevcon, in europe not simple task.
    br jens

  46. hi, I'm using a sevcon gen4 size6 controller and i want to know program it,I want the code please

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  48. Hi, Can I ask you about my problem. Now, my Sevcon Gen4 Size 6 have a problem. The problem is this controller just blink Led 2 Flashes in one time and not replay the flashing, so after that LED is off. I have finished check the output voltage from this controller like supply encoder, supply potentiometer and they are have voltages. Is my Sevcon broken or have any problem with my Sevcon? Can you give me some explain?

  49. hola. Gracias por el artículo. me pueden mandar el programa y los archivos disponibles a mi e-mail. rcdesentmenat@gmail.com. tengo un sevcon gen4 size4. quiero reprogramarlo para mi motocicleta. un saludo

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  56. Hello guys my name is Scott Mcall I wanted to share a testimony of how a good hacker help in making my life a better one I am glad I met them guys I got $15,000USD from them guys If you are interested they perform various hack and they are legit 100%

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  57. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET RICH WITH THE USE OF BLANK ATM CARD. I'm here to testify about how I used a BLANK ATM CARD that I got from a hacker to make money and also have my own business today. Go get your blank ATM card today and be among the lucky ones. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of withdrawing cash from any ATM machine anywhere in the world. It has really changed people's lives for good and now I can say I am rich and I can never be poor again. You can withdraw the maximum of $5,500 daily i can proudly say my business is doing fine and i have up to $ 1,000 000 (1 millions dollars in my account) Is not illegal, there is no risk of being caught, because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you.. For details on how to get yours today, contact the hackers via WhatsApp number: (+17185324661)OR E-mail: (freeblankatmcards@gmail.com)
    together we must fight poverty.


    Asore Corp is a group of multinational Hacker's, an affiliate of Evil Corp. We make sure by all means necessary that our clients get the best of services on a🔐PAYMENT AFTER JOB IS DONE BASIS✅. Rather than send money and trust a criminal to fulfill your deal, you can make sure the job is done before WORKMANSHIP is paid for. You'll get excellent customer service.

    That's a 100% guarantee. Our Cyber security Technicians are on standby 24/7 to receive your job requests.

    ⚠️ BEWARE OF FRAUDSTARS looking to hoax.

    if you have been a VICTIM, contact : ✉️cyberprecinct@gmail.com for directives.

    Here, it's always a win for you.


    ➡️Binary Option funds recovery

    ➡️Social media hack

    ➡️Recovery of loan scam

    ➡️Credit repair (Equifax,Experian,Transunion)

    ➡️Email hack

    ➡️College score upgrade

    ➡️Android & iPhone Hack

    ➡️Website design

    ➡️Website hack

    And lots more.

    DISCLAIMER: Asore Cyber Corp accepts no responsibility for any information,previously given to anybody by clients on as regarding the job. Asore Cyber Corp will not distribute contact information collected on any hacking job other than in the Asore corps Hacker's listings themselves, and will not sell contact information to third parties.


    📧 asorehackcorp@gmail.com


    Copyright ©️

    Asore Cyber Corp 2021.

    All rights reserved.

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    Ask Me.

  60. Hi, I also have Sevcon Gen4 controller on my motorbike and I have problems when trying to change the display. From factory it came an Android tablet connected to the controller via canbus, it used to show speed, battery percentage, lights, blankets, etc until it just died. I've bought a proper electric motorbike display that claims to be universal and it ir meant to work in any model but I don't know how to plug it. Battery + an - are easy, so the new display turns on and shows battery percentage but that's all. I don't know how to connect speed sensor, lights, etc. I've been told to plug the speed wire to one of the motor phases but I'm afraid to burn or broke something as I don't have experience in electronic stuff. Could you guys help me someway? I would really really appreciate it!!
    Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English

  61. Hello friends
    I have sevcon gen4 80v 180a size 2
    Anybody knows what's that 6 pin connector on top left of controller?
    Is for programming?
    Anybody knows what's pinout of sevcon gen4 80v 180a size 2 for connect with DVT Helper of it?

  62. Hello, anyone have DVT software for download? Please respond with the link that would be greatly appreciated. God Bless.

  63. https://www.file-upload.net/download-14809670/SevconDVT_Customer_TCL85.exe.html

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  66. I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via EMAIL ETHICALHACKERS009 @ gmail.com OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 orwhatsapp +14106350697
