08 July 2023

RI Install Photo Guide

Here are the steps I took to add the RI to my 2019 CX-5. The steps are non-exhaustive, but are meant to aid in the following procedure that's already documented on Youtube:

Okay, here goes! Take a deep breath and DO IT!

Here's the technique: reach your right arm in and turn your body to face the right side of the car. Your hand should easily reach the Radar connector. If you let go of it, that's ok! It dangles and is easily reachable. 
Just grab it, hold down the connector tab HARD (which is facing the front of the car) and YANK! Use the same connector on the RI harness to practice the force needed to press down the tab. 
To make the installation clean, pass the RI harness through the hood latch hole like this. 

Note that I did not leave any of the cable coiled, and I passed it ALL through the firewall into the cabin. I added some zipties to hold the cable to the chassis bits under the rubber piece on the right. The cable was long enough to reach all the way up to my camera and Comma harness.
This is the big rubber piece that passes the wiring from the engine bay into the cabin, viewed from the engine bay. We're going to go around it. No need to remove the battery! You will be able to snake and reach the RI cables into the edge using the following technique
From under the steering column/dashboard, you can shove a screwdriver around the edge to make a little gap and a "hook" for the RI wires to hold onto. This image shoes the wires already in the cabin. I used pliers to pull them through once the first bits came through.
This is what it will look like from the engine bay. Remember to remove the screwdriver once all the slack is pulled through! 

Now just remove the rubber skirt around the driver's side door (it just pulls off nondestructively), remove the bottom left panel, snake the cable through there, all the way up to the visor, across the front and into the injection molded camera case where the Comma harness is installed. I carefully removed the Orange CAN-H and Green CAN2-L pins from the white connector on the Comma harness, passed each wire through its own red splice connector, then reinserted the pins into the white connector. I then spliced in the red and black RI wires, using pliers to make sure the splice was secure (it's hard to do by hand). 

15 May 2016

Seek and Geek 11: CMYK Screen Printing!


This is a method of color screenprinting shirts called CMYK printing, which uses Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and blacK to product a full-color image, just like a color 2D printer would. 

In order to ensure proper alignment of each layer for each Tee shirt, precise coupling of some kind must be used. If you look at the bottom right, it seems some kind of endstop is used to ensure each screen is located properly in the horizontal direction, and the rood itself butts up against the metal frame to align the vertial direction and prevent rotations. While this may not exactly be micron repeatability, this certainly seems good enough for this application! Perhaps I should make a Kinematic Screen Printing Coupling? Maybe in the future!

Here's a video of a photographic image recreated by this process. This time, a machine is used with four stations and four tee shirt holders that move from station to station, where each station only puts down one color. I imagine some kind of final alignment features are used in order to get each station to be repeatably applied to each tee shirt. 

2.77 PUPS 11: Documentation

Thanks a lot, Professor Slocum, for teaching this great class! I've learned a lot and I can't wait to apply my new skills to my future designs. 

Here is a link to my final report: Dropbox Link

Owner's Manual: 

Home configuration:

  • Clamp (Y) axes both fully disengaged, back clamp screw touching the rear top plate. 
  • X axis against wall near its stepper motor
  • Z axis all the way up.

Electronics and turning on your FASBot: 

  • The FASBot uses a 22.2 LiPo battery, which can last it a long time. Place the battery inside the FASBot's electronics compartment on the hook-and-loop fastener patch. The power connectors should be facing AWAY from the wall.
  • To turn the FASBot on, flip the switch on the backside UP. 
  • A digital display shows the battery's voltage. This battery will charge up to 25V and should be disconnected and charged before it reaches 18V.

Software and communicating with your FASBot: 

  • The FASBot uses an Arduino Uno with grbl CNC firmware.  
  • The Arduino Uno is fitted with an XBee wireless communication device on a shield. An identical Xbee attached to a USB dongle is required to communicate with the FASBot. This XBee will show up as a serial port on your computer. In order to allow for reliable wireless communication, a serial baud rate of 19200 must be used. 
  • The FASBot can be controlled using GCode from the CNC GCode Interpreter. 
  • For its intended purpose in aircraft manufacturing, a Python program was written in order to allow the FASBot to be integrated with the Triple Scissor Extender and allow the pair to work together autonomously. The FASBot must be turned ON before running the Python program. 
 FASBot control software  
 by Daniel J. Gonzalez - dgonz@mit.edu  
 Spring 2016  
 import serial  
 import time  
 # Open grbl serial port  
 s = serial.Serial('COM13',19200)  
 def setupFASBot():  
   # Wake up grbl  
   time.sleep(2)  # Wait for grbl to initialize  
   s.flushInput() # Flush startup text in serial input  
 def sendG(msg):  
   print 'Sending: ' + msg  
   grbl_out = s.readline()  
   print ' : ' + grbl_out.strip()  
 def exitFASBot():  
   # Close file and serial port  
 def sendFasten():  
   #Drive Spindle  
   sendG('S100 M3')  
   #Move Spindle Down  
   sendG('G90 G0 Z-1.25')  
   #Turn OFf Spindle  
   #Move Spindle Back up  
   sendG('G90 G0 Z-0.5')  
 def test():  
   for i in range(0,25):  
     sendG('G90 G0 X3')  
     sendG('G90 G0 X4')  
     raw_input(" Press <Enter> to Move to rest location.")  
   #raw_input(" Press <Enter> to Start up FASBot.")  
   #Move Spindle To Side  
   sendG('G90 G0 X4.5 Z-0.5') #(1.783/2) #(1*(1.75))  
   #raw_input(" Press <Enter> to Close Clamp.")  
   #Close Clamp  
   sendG('G90 G0 Y1.6')  
   #raw_input(" Press <Enter> to Start Fastening Job.")  
   for i in range(0,6):  
     sendG('G90 G0 X'+str(i*1.75))  
   #raw_input(" Press <Enter> to Move to pickup position.")  
   #Move Spindle Home  
   sendG('G90 G0 X4.5 Z0')  
   #raw_input(" Press <Enter> to Open Clamp.")  
   #Open Clamp  
   sendG('G90 G0 Y0')  
   #raw_input(" Press <Enter> after FASBot is removed from TSE.")  
   #Move Spindle To Side  
   sendG('G90 G0 X0') #(1.783/2) #(1*(1.75))  

This test program requires the user to press ENTER in order for the FASBot to perform the next move. By putting this code into the code running the Triple Scissor Extender, they can both be used together autonomously. For the demonstration, two computers were used, each running its own program that required the user to press Enter

Once the Python program exits, the FASBot may be turned off.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap!